Daws Wellness Center
Daws Wellness Center
18 West Gibson Street
Hartwell, GA 30643
706 376-6000
It seems that “wellness†is the new buzz word in health care. What does it mean? Wellness refers to a balance between health, fitness, and a long life. An Essential Balance, if you will. While we all want to live as long as possible, I believe most would agree that it is optimum quality of our life that we want most. There are many things that we can do to add healthy, happy, productive years to our lives.
Daws Wellness Center is committed to give you the motivation and assistance you need in the pursuit of Essential Balance. The practice of “wellness†is a multifaceted approach to slowing the aging process and reducing the risks of contracting preventable diseases. Achieving Essential Balance can not only make you look and feel better, it can make you live longer. Let Daws Wellness Center help you in your quest to achieving your personal Essential Balance.
Daws Wellness Center offers:
* Total Vein Care (Find a Specialist)
* Cosmetic and Advanced Lararoscopic Surgery
* Massage Therapy and Reflexology
* Healthy Aging and Weight Management
* Skin Care and Facials
* Various Laser Treatments
* Various surgical procedures