Dr. G. Stephenson Drew
Dr. G. Stephenson Drew
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Center, PC
820 St. Sebastian Way Suite 1A
Augusta, GA 30901


Choosing the right plastic or reconstructive surgeon can be a hard decision to make. You can have peace of mind by choosing the wonderful staff at Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Center, PC, to perform your plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Under the leadership of Dr. G. Stephenson Drew, we are able to provide our clients with some of the best plastic and reconstructive procedures in the industry today. We have the experience, knowledge of the industry, and compassion to help you solve your image issues.

Our Procedures Include:

* Cosmetic Surgery Of The Face And Body
* Breast Surgery
* Liposuction
* Body Contouring
* Pediatric Plastic Surgery
* Hand Surgery
* Reconstructive Surgery
* Skin Cancer/Moles

Please continue to browse our website to find out more information about our practice areas. Feel free to call us today to schedule an appointment to meet with a member of our staff.

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